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Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Who you calling Netiquette, you cyberethic?

             I guess because I never considered yelling at someone or confessing my undying love for someone over a social networking site, I never thought anyone else would either. Apparently I was wrong people obviously do it a lot, enough so that schools monitor students when they get online through the schools network. People do this enough so that Universities like the Universities of Illinois feels the need to to have someone sit down and write out rules for people to follow while they are on the internet and using social networking sites. People do this enough that they have created words like "Netiquette" and "Cyberethics" which just mean the rules and etiquette other people assume everyone should follow while they kill time online.

So for the people who don't know

  • If someone sends you a harassing e-mail, don't turn around and send an e-mail that is just as mean, if not worse, be the better person wait, cool off. If you still feel like you should respond wait till the next day, by then you'll have calmed down enough to where you can calmly write back to that person back how they made you feel rather then just slamming them on everything you can think of.
  • Don't download illegal music online, someone worked are to create that music they at least deserve the $1.29 Itunes makes you pay for that song.
  • Along with downloading illegal music, don't go to sketchy sites to download malicious scripts or anything else you want. Most likely while you are watching it download a virus is also downloading in the background. Be smart your not suppose to do it in the first place, so don't.
  • On this topic of taking things that aren't yours you can't make copies of CD's or DVD's to give to other people, that is illegal as well.
  • But if you have a class and you lost the homework assignment or their syllabus and their teacher has it on their website, you CAN take that they have that there for you to use. You will not break any rules or laws.

- Until Next Time

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