Pages is a program on Macs, similar to Word Perfect on all the computers that work with Windows .
Some computers that use Windows are:
My Task today was to play around on
Pages and figure out how it works. While doing this I could see how easy it would be for someone, who say owns a coffee house, could sit down and design their letter head, brochure, menu, business cards, and much more. Not only could they
create everything on the same program but, they can give them all the same design with a simple click of the mouse. With
Windows you would have to go through and one by one select how you want everything to individually look.
Pages makes creating clever things easy and almost painless.
Hold Shift and command and then press three to take a screen shot.
On Pages I created what their coffee shop poster would look like, Pages consider your Program mastered.
-Until Next Time
Very nice use of the wysiwyg editor. :)