Find Pages on your computer and copy and paste the questions into it, and answer them there.
Open the Multimedia Survey. What chart do you find most interesting?
(you have to choose one)
I found the question are you comfortable with a Mac the most interesting because I wonder how many of those people actually have a Mac and if they don’t have a Mac how are they comfortable with it,
Find and record the following information.
What operating system are we running?
Mac so X
What is the processor?
2.66 GHz Intel Care 2 Duo
How much memory?
2 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
How many USB ports do our computers have?
6, including the keyboard
What Adobe programs are loaded onto the computers?
Adobe Dreamweaver
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Bridge
Adobe Reader
What programs are part of iWork?
Keynote, Numbers, and Pages
What is Keynote?
a Program that helps you build presentations
Open chess, what colors are the squares?
Tan and Maroon
What program do you surf the net with on the Macs?
What program did this document open in?
Pages or pdf
Change the background on your computer and take a screen capture of it.
Drop the screen capture into this document.
Save this document on your server files. You will need it later.