Today I was trying to make an avatar to put on my blog, as a way to liven things up. I found two sites and I played around on both sites to see which one would give me an avatar that would look most like me, but before we get into that, what's up with the word "avatar" where did that come from. Wikipedia told me the word avatar comes from the Hindu word Avatara, . This refers to a deliberate descent of a deity from heaven to earth, and is mostly translated into English as "incarnation", but more accurately as "appearance". So does that mean by me creating this avatar, or Avatara, is this like me going from earth, or the world I'm in, to another world in the computer. This makes since after playing with both avatar making sites, because after you make it you are then invited to the world created on that site shows you a map of their city. Now it was time to find which website allowed me to make the most accurate image of me. was confusing, instead of just giving you a few skin colors to chose from, it made you create your skin color. Which included color wheels and other things of that nature. I like choices but I don't wanna have that much control. Along with the confusion of creating my skin color, the clothes were not very detailed. They were plain shirts changing in color and patterns but there was never a shirt that just jumped out of the computer and looked like anything I would ever wear. But was great with tons of detailed clothing options, numerous about of hairstyles and backgrounds, and just a few skin colors it was simple and easy to create an avatar that looked some what similar to me. Mission Complete.
-Until next time
I liked your well developed research on the origin of an avatar. Your sources were good and I found your philosophy interesting. Now I wish I had done some more research. good job!