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Thursday, September 30, 2010

Today, Today, Today

Since my computer lost all my work and I have to restart everything. I have now restarted my brochure and have gotten everything in it except for a few paragraphs, but my goal is to have that finished, completely, by the end of next class. Also I have also Restarted the whole document, since I had a lot of it finished before I lost it all, I have a lot to re-do. I have completed the title page and have done the background for all the other pages. I will try my hardest to be finished with all of that by the end of next class as well.

-Until Next Time

How do make yours look like mine

brochure_template_b.jpgI really like these two, I feel like they get the point across while also making it look fun and like you could possibly actually have fun on the trip. I'm kind struggling with little things like changing the background and little design details. I am able to change and fix a good amount of things but those small design details I'm struggling with. I know those give it the finishing touches that my brochure will obviously need, I'm just putting it off. These two examples are very cohesive from section to section. With borders and similar icons from front to back of brochure your are able to tell that they are to the same brochure.  I am starting my new brochure now so I will keep those little things in mind and find a way to put those in.

-Until Next Time

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I thought I would never use a Mac computer, never! I was talking to my dad about this the other day and he said "while you think that is true now, think about how it will be in ten years. do you honestly think dell and toshiba will be as popular as they are now? Mac's are becoming exceedingly more popular by the year." So with that, he brought me down to reality, and I realized more and more companies are switching over to Mac's because they are so user friendly so, I need to suck it up and really learn how to use these computers because one day I wont have a choice I'll just be given a computer and be expected to know how to use it. Whether its a Mac or a Dell, I'd like to be able to do my job regardless.
I have now learned you should almost always use "canvas" when your working in word and are adding more then just text to a document, you take a screen shot by pressing control, command and 3 at the same time, and if you are having trouble doing something on the computer ask a neighbor or look it up online. These things help to complete assignments yes, but they also help with not relying on your teacher for help, because one day they wont be there, and you cant ask you boss every time you hit a snag. 


The word blog, I feel, is a verb and a noun...

  • This is my blog, doodle-tech-head.
  • I really enjoy the process of blogging, its almost therapeutic.
Commenting on blogs, is an action. So when you say the word blog in that sentence you are using the verb form on it.

An Avatar is, the personification of an idea. But in this class the way we used Avatar,  the idea was ourselves. The word "Avatar" comes from the Hindu word Avatara.

Digital citizenship and netiquette are clever word people have come up with which basically rules people should follow when they are on the internet. The reason these rules have become necessary is because people have started to abuse the internet and what it is there for layout application for Apple computers. The purpose of this is to help you create projects and word documents easily.

Royalty free Imagery means that once the content is licensed under a set of guidelines, the licensee is normally free to use it in perpetuity without paying additional royalty charges. Public Domain means property rights that are held by the public at large, meaning that no one specifically has the rights of the Domain and that the public can use it freely.

A Citation is something someone uses when they are using information or images they found on the internet or in books to give credit to who ever came up with the information or to who ever created the image. This is important because it prevents people thinking you are trying to pass the information off as their own, which can get them into an extreme amount of trouble. Websites like Noodle Tools help the users by asking for information and actually generating the citation for you instead of the user having to type it out themselves.

PDF means Portable Document Format; this is used to transfer documents from computer to computer disregarding what type they are or what programs they run. 

-Until Next Time!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Today Today Today

So after I commented on other peoples projects and gave my opinion and picked on my own project I went and started to fix my mistakes and continued to improve my design. I changed the background color which I feel makes it look more like I care about how it looks rather then just leaving it white. Along with that I worked a little more on my brochure and have decided that I'm going to include in there a brief history of the sydney opera house. That's all I accomplished today

-Until Next Time!

Now to critic myself

So, now that I have talked about everyone else's blog, time to turn the finger to myself and pick on my own. 
General: (2) I didn't put page numbers in, I had them in the first one I did but when I had to move it over into the other form I lost them and didn't think twice about them possibly not being there in the new form, along with any header and footer that was there. There is a consistent design that is visible throughout the pages.
Cover: (4) There is a title that is perfectly related to the country along with a picture that is appropriate to my country and this sets the ton for my design through out the pages and what should be expected on any page that follows.
Table of Contents: (3) My table of contents is good but could be better and I will continue to work on that, I'm just struggling with how I want it to look while it continues to follow with the designs of all the other pages. This is hard for me because Table of Contents are always just a a list and to try and make it visibly pleasing is kinda hard.
Work Log- Initial Design: (1) I'm not sure I realized there was suppose to be three sketches, I have my sketches of the brochure but I am confused as to what the other sketch is suppose to be about. Also I thought my blogs that were suppose to be added in were suppose to be added in until the end, but I guess it's like the bibliography where you are suppose to add to it as you go but I was wrong and they will be in there before the end of next class!
Bibliography: (4) My bibliography is completely up to date with every picture I put in there and with any website I got information from, which was one, but I really like my bibliography, which i know is kinda odd but I like it.

-Until Next Time

Today I am Simon!

I really like how this person really made their pages link, by using the same background for all pages along with that she also connected every page by using the same effect on every picture she added on every page. With the same effect it really tied in all of the pages and gave to project a good cohesive look to the whole thing.

I like the fact that she decided to do a country that no one else decided to do but I also think that the only thing that connects the pages together are the titles. It is still very nice and each page, you can tell, have been well thought out and look very nice. But I don't feel each page looks as nice together as one.

This project doesn't seem like much thought was put into it. While the photos are nice and the information is there it just doesn't look like she cared about how the final product looked. maybe when she has more time to sit and play with it, it will turn out better. I'm sure the final product will be much better then it is at this stage.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Almost there


So I figured out why I was having so many problems these past few days, I was using the wrong page. I should have been using canvas and I was using some other something another. Anyways, Canvas from now on, I had no problems today I worked well and I found it really easy to create the project I wanted. I feel like it is better then average, but only time will tell. Next class I will work on completing my brochure and making sure it is perfect. Only have a few sections left to do on brochure so it shouldn't take me to terribly long to complete but, once again, only time will tell.

-Until Next Time!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Pages is designed to be user friendly and for the most part it is, but when you mix pictures up with word documents things can get a little crazy. I am struggling with putting the pictures where I want without splitting a citing in half. I want it to look good and well organized and I feel it does, but there is always room to improve and thats what I'm struggling with. I'm sure I'll figure something out, it just may take longer then I was expecting. Oh well I've got one more day to fix everything and make it close to perfect. I have the title page and bibliography finished, and I am working on making the table of contents perfect.
Almost done and only have a few questions. 

-Until Next Time

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Wonderful World of Pages

Today, I have now created a title page for my trip/project; with a catchy phrase, a nice picture and of course a title. Along with that I have also accomplished a table of contents and am working on the bibliography. Since I had already started working on my brochure before I started on the bibliography I struggled with going back to the site and finding the pictures so that I can give the photographer the proper acknowledgement. It was hard but I got it done, for now. I'm sure there will be more citing needed before I finish all of this. 

-Until Next Time!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Back Of Bourke

So I started on the brochure, intimidating but I got lots done. I have the whole inside finished, now I have to work on the outside folds. But as of now I'm thinking of changing up the arrangement of things. In my mind the more "serious" things need to go on the inside folds. My logic maybe wrong but I'll figure it out sooner or later.
I always thought Australia just spoke english, but by looking online, they basically speak a completely different language. With different ways of saying hello, and see y later.
This should be fun, no problems yet, but there is still time to get confused and still plenty of time to want to throw the computer.
-Until Next Time

Today, Today, Today

What I wish to accomplish in before time runs out.

But to where, it's all typed, I actually have the facts, and maybe someone would like to read it.

-Until Next Time!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Photo surplus.

Even though you can see basically any image your heart desires at the click of your mouse on google it doesn't mean that you can just copy and paste it and call it as your own or use it for what ever you want. Why you may ask, I'll tell you why. In my last blog I discussed plagiarism, this is basically a form of that. You are taking something from a website and calling it your own. You may not be doing this intentionally but you still are basically saying this is my piece of art.
Stock photography is the supply of photographs licensed for specific uses. It is used to fulfill the needs of creative assignments instead of hiring a photographer. Today, stock images can be presented in searchable online databases.

Ruub. Cchair. 15 Aug. 2010. www.sxc.hu. N.p., 15 Aug. 2010. Web. 10 Sept. 2010.

Bill Gates didn't say that I did!

Plagiarism, the lazy americans favorite pass time. Plagiarism is defined as -the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language andthoughts of another author and the representation of themas one's own original work.[1] Students are the most common offenders of this crime. The punishment, instead of coming from the state comes from the school district. The consequences can range from detention to ISS, from Parent notification to a behavioral contract. A way to avoid these punishments is by creating citations for any and everything you use that does not come directly from your own brain. Even if you read something and reworded it, that doesn't matter you have to cite it to show your reader that you are not trying to pass someone else's work off on your own, or trying to reword it a bit to make them think you wrote it. Plagiarism is such a big deal that websites have now been created to prevent it. Teachers can now log on and copy just a sentence of a students work and if something pops up, and their work is not cited, it can be thought of as plagiarism. Websites like Plagiarism.org have mission statements stating- Our mission is to help people all over the world prevent plagiarism and restore integrity to written work.[2]


"About Plagiarism.org." Plagiarism.org. N.p., 9 Sept. 2010. Web. 10 Sept. 2010.

Web Site

"About Plagiarism.org." Plagiarism.org. N.p., 9 Sept. 2010. Web. 10 Sept. 2010.
 -Until Next Time

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

G'day mate!

I am going to research and plan a trip, while I do this I am hoping that my researching skills will vastly improve. Whether I take this trip doesn't matter I'm going to learn everything I can about the country I chose. Learn as much as I can about them, and teach you as I go!

Australia, a large country full of 19,913,144 people, and seven states. Mainly Caucasian people live there, because most people there are of British or Irish decent, but there are also Asian people and a small pre cent age of aboriginal people. English is the primary language used in Australia. Yet their colorful vocabulary, accent, phonetics system and slang can take a lot of getting used to.
map of australia

Thats what I've got so far!

-Until Next Time

Who you calling Netiquette, you cyberethic?

             I guess because I never considered yelling at someone or confessing my undying love for someone over a social networking site, I never thought anyone else would either. Apparently I was wrong people obviously do it a lot, enough so that schools monitor students when they get online through the schools network. People do this enough so that Universities like the Universities of Illinois feels the need to to have someone sit down and write out rules for people to follow while they are on the internet and using social networking sites. People do this enough that they have created words like "Netiquette" and "Cyberethics" which just mean the rules and etiquette other people assume everyone should follow while they kill time online.

So for the people who don't know

  • If someone sends you a harassing e-mail, don't turn around and send an e-mail that is just as mean, if not worse, be the better person wait, cool off. If you still feel like you should respond wait till the next day, by then you'll have calmed down enough to where you can calmly write back to that person back how they made you feel rather then just slamming them on everything you can think of.
  • Don't download illegal music online, someone worked are to create that music they at least deserve the $1.29 Itunes makes you pay for that song.
  • Along with downloading illegal music, don't go to sketchy sites to download malicious scripts or anything else you want. Most likely while you are watching it download a virus is also downloading in the background. Be smart your not suppose to do it in the first place, so don't.
  • On this topic of taking things that aren't yours you can't make copies of CD's or DVD's to give to other people, that is illegal as well.
  • But if you have a class and you lost the homework assignment or their syllabus and their teacher has it on their website, you CAN take that they have that there for you to use. You will not break any rules or laws.

- Until Next Time

Friday, September 3, 2010

More and More Pages

Pages is a program on Macs, similar to Word Perfect on all the computers that work with Windows .

Some computers that use Windows are:
  • Acer
  • Dell
  • Toshiba
My Task today was to play around on Pages and figure out how it works. While doing this I could see how easy it would be for someone, who say owns a coffee house, could sit down and design their letter head, brochure, menu, business cards, and much more. Not only could they create everything on the same program but, they can give them all the same design with a simple click of the mouse. With Windows you would have to go through and one by one select how you want everything to individually look. Pages makes creating clever things easy and almost painless.

Hold Shift and command and then press three to take a screen shot.

On Pages I created what their coffee shop poster would look like, Pages consider your Program mastered.

-Until Next Time

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Me in the town of Meez.

Today I was trying to make an avatar to put on my blog, as a way to liven things up. I found two sites http://www.voki.com/ and http://www.meez.com/ I played around on both sites to see which one would give me an avatar that would look most like me, but before we get into that, what's up with the word "avatar" where did that come from. Wikipedia told me the word avatar comes from the Hindu word Avatara, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Avatar . This refers to a deliberate descent of a deity from heaven to earth, and is mostly translated into English as "incarnation", but more accurately as "appearance". So does that mean by me creating this avatar, or Avatara, is this like me going from earth, or the world I'm in, to another world in the computer. This makes since after playing with both avatar making sites, because after you make it you are then invited to the world created on that site meez.com shows you a map of their city. Now it was time to find which website allowed me to make the most accurate image of me. Voki.com was confusing, instead of just giving you a few skin colors to chose from, it made you create your skin color. Which included color wheels and other things of that nature. I like choices but I don't wanna have that much control. Along with the confusion of creating my skin color, the clothes were not very detailed. They were plain shirts changing in color and patterns but there was never a shirt that just jumped out of the computer and looked like anything I would ever wear. But Meez.com was great with tons of detailed clothing options, numerous about of hairstyles and backgrounds, and just a few skin colors it was simple and easy to create an avatar that looked some what similar to me. Mission Complete.

-Until next time