letter M airwAlk Boggle black letter C IMG_5517_2 KMcElman_100502_3813_I hangman tile red letter L E letter Y

Monday, November 29, 2010


So I started the first illustrator tutorial and when I got to step 4 it asked me to do something with gradient I worked on that and tried to do it. But for some reason it wouldn't let me do what the tutorial said I would be able to. So I attempted the first tutorial and was not successful.

I then tried Tutorial #2 and I got THIS. I did not add all the graphics like the tutorial suggested doing. While I'm sure it would have made the outcome just wonderful I thought, since this will be one of the only days we work on illustrator I'm just going to try and have a basic idea of how to do these things rather then work my butt off to make one look perfect and then have no idea how to do any of the other ones. So I have a very nice not connected pie chart and attempts at other things rather then just a pie chart with a hand and eyes balls sticking out of it.

The Last thing I was able to do today was tutorial three. I was able to create the vase part with no problem but I couldn't find the ellipse tool. So I decided I would use another symbol but whenever I selected another symbol it would delete the vase I created. I'm not sure why it did any of that. For now though I have a flawless VASE!!

- Until the next assignment!

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