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Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Chinese Bloggers

I think you cant control the companies from paying people to create good publicity for them. I personally think its a good idea, with the amount of time people spend on the internet looking up products and consumer reviews, it seems that this was inevitable, companies finding a way to alter the reviews or at least alter the ratio of good to bad reviews. I don't think it is okay or not okay for the companies to act like this, my thinking of it is it's gonna happen either way, their just playing their role in a game. Nothing on the internet should be taken as fact or complete truth unless you have personally researched the topic using a book or something other then the internet and have read the same information. I don't think it affects the integrity of the internet, the internet has always been a place where people can express what they feel, think, or know. They could feel very strongly that pluto is a planet but according to scientific research it isn't. Nothing on the internet, I feel, affects the internets integrity. Whatever you read on the internet you have to take at face value don't read into it much or base your own opinions on it unless you have found the same information on in something other then the internet. This is unfortunate that companies feel the need to do this, but it is also unfortunately that what someone says on their blog can alter someones opinion so much they wouldn't buy it. It doesn't affect the blogging worlds integrity or honesty just the person that is writing it. The blogging world cant control what people write or say they just allow the people a place to write about how they feel or their interests. It's like you can't be mad at a company who sold someone a gun, following all the rules, and he then turned around and killed people with it. The company was just doing what they've always done, selling guns, and then this one person turns around and uses it for something bad thats not the companies fault.

-Until the Next Assignment!

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