letter M airwAlk Boggle black letter C IMG_5517_2 KMcElman_100502_3813_I hangman tile red letter L E letter Y

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The End Has Come

I've always been the kind of person who gets things done as nice and as fast as I can. I don't like to sit around in class and do other things when I am given time to do something else. I feel like this has helped me in the class because I am able to get my work done on time and normally have a few minutes or days to look at my work and either find ways to improve it or see where I messed up. This also allows me time to ask questions and perfect the final outcome. Not only have I learned out to use a Mac without throwing it out the window, but I have also learned how to use the programs it comes with. Because I use Macs at school and another computer at home I now feel equally comfortable using either computers. I think this will help me in the long run because I don't know what kind of computer I will use at my job six years from now or what programs I will be using. Either way if I use a Mac or windows I know how to handle both, and I know now that there are tutorials online on how to use almost every computer program under the sun. Also during this class I have taken advantage of the freedom and have used my own personal pictures to edit in photoshop and iPhoto this helped me to create studio pieces for my IB art class. I really enjoyed working in iPhoto, it was simple, very hands on, and I could control everything. I really didn't enjoy working with illustrator it was to complex and to difficult and I got confused often. It was like there were to many possibilities and I couldn't chose. 

This is my last day in this class, I have to switch out in order to be able to fit in another class. I have surprisingly enjoyed the work I have done in this class. I won't miss the kids screaming at each other even though they are two feet away from each other. 

-Until Another Teacher Makes Me Blog...


Done done done

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

And I Began Thinking Again

Even though I wasn't at school yesterday I was still thinking about my final in this class. Because I am combining two class finals as one I am considering two separate criteria. For my art class we are only allowed to have 300 words. I didnt think that when I added my artists statement into my pages document and I might want to add some more statements or more thoughts. Before we present our final in class I am going to add a few more statements so that it looks more like a magazine article them two finals akwardly crammed together.

-Until Final Day!

Thursday, December 9, 2010

The Finish Line is Near

The Actual Red Ribbon

(I hope you get the joke)

I know I still have roughly two class periods to complete my final, but I think I'm done. Today I finished editing my artist statement put it into my pages document, added boarders to my pictures and just added and corrected little details like the fronts color. I'm one of those people who if they think about something for to long they start to second guess themselves, change everything, and half the time make it worse. So I've stopped thinking, it's a lot harder then it sounds. 
While working on my artist statement I sent several copies to my art teacher and to my dad. I then took their critics and opinions formed my own and edited the statement. The statement was difficult to do because I really enjoy my art and have lots to say about it but I could only have 300 words in the entire statement. I could have done 300 a paragraph. But I got it done and with our three brains working together I think I have a great and strong artist statement. I am so glad I was able to fit it into this class, because I really enjoy this class and it would have sucked if my last project I had to write about something I didn't care so much about.

It is Thursday! That means its the weekend!

-Until The Other Side of the Weekend!

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

color and feeling

Today I was able to get my artist's statement finished!

“Colors, like features, follow the changes of the emotions.” - Pablo Picasso. Statements like this are what cause me to be so interested in the meanings behind colors. My goal is to master color symbolism and find ways to incorporate that into every piece I do. I want to know what someones reaction will be to a piece before they’ve ever see it. I want to know the feelings the viewer will think or feel before the piece is ever complete. While doing this I want studio pieces that are organized and controlled while also seeming fun and playful. 
My theme is color and feelings. People are drawn to color. I want to attract them with fun and bright colors but keep them there, looking at my work because of the depth each piece has. When I first start on a piece I select the colors first, then what kind of texture I will include, and finally once everything is dry and finished I lay them all out next to each other and play with how they should be arranged. Which colors would look best together, keeping in mind to keep complementary colors away from each other. 
My pieces have grown from what use to be cluttered and unorganized to polished and complete. I take what is that main attention grabber in one piece and try to make it the subtle detail of another. They are a collection because of similar colors and textures but there are mini-collections because of how colors and textures are represented. I am attempting to make people stop and look at a square of color only to find out that not only is it a square of color but it is a detailed, colorful, organized piece of feelings.

While I was working on it I began to worry that my magazine layout looked to childish or immature. Mr. Double- U gave me an idea to put a border on all my pictures, so I did that and that caused me to change my background from a lavender to my favorite brown with I think makes it look much nicer... It kinda also makes it look like a safari!

-Until the Next Excursion!

I haven't posted my work on the blog because it has my name on it and I still haven't figured out if I can post that...

Friday, December 3, 2010

And Today Is Friday!

Alright so today I worked on my final projected. I have every picture in their final place rotated and enlarged to perfection. My backgrounds are colored although I am worried that my does not look as professional and Mr. Double- U might me expecting, so I'l have to work on that. The only reason I didn't put a link to what I've done today is because it has my name in it and I'm pretty sure I'm not suppose to put anything with my name in it. So I also need to figure out if I need to fix my pages without my name in it and what not. All in all good day, I think all I'm missing is my actual writing.
It is Friday that means its the weekend!

-Until Then!

Monday, November 29, 2010


So I started the first illustrator tutorial and when I got to step 4 it asked me to do something with gradient I worked on that and tried to do it. But for some reason it wouldn't let me do what the tutorial said I would be able to. So I attempted the first tutorial and was not successful.

I then tried Tutorial #2 and I got THIS. I did not add all the graphics like the tutorial suggested doing. While I'm sure it would have made the outcome just wonderful I thought, since this will be one of the only days we work on illustrator I'm just going to try and have a basic idea of how to do these things rather then work my butt off to make one look perfect and then have no idea how to do any of the other ones. So I have a very nice not connected pie chart and attempts at other things rather then just a pie chart with a hand and eyes balls sticking out of it.

The Last thing I was able to do today was tutorial three. I was able to create the vase part with no problem but I couldn't find the ellipse tool. So I decided I would use another symbol but whenever I selected another symbol it would delete the vase I created. I'm not sure why it did any of that. For now though I have a flawless VASE!!

- Until the next assignment!

Pixel v. Vector

Pixel, short for Picture Element, is a single point in a graphic image. Graphics monitors display pictures by dividing the display screen into thousands of pixels, arranged in rows and columns. The pixels are so close together they appear connected.

Vector graphics is the use of geometrical primitives such as points, lines, curves and shapes to represent images in computer graphics.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Food Charts

11/16 Tuesday
11/17 Wednesday
11/18 Thursday
11/19 Friday
11/20 Saturday
11/21 Sunday
Along with me as food I finished these and feel they all look pretty nice and everything. I wasn't able to use all the food I ate because I couldn't find pictures of some and others the pictures I could find were abstract ones or had weird angles and things like that, that would make them weird to put in the picture.

- Until After Turkey Day!!

Food- ME

Thats me as beans, marshmallows, pasta, grapes, coffee and a S'more. I enjoyed this and worked on this all period today. Finished it with 9 minutes left in class.

-Until the Next doc.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cartoon of Me!

Here finally is the cartoon of me, I think it looks quite distorted! I was able to create it in a small amount of time thanks to the step by step instructions  and me doing the other cartoon of the flower and it made the cartoon making go by so faster! Done and Done! I am finally caught up!

Today is Thursday which means I wont be back to class until monday which means it is the weekend! Happy weekend!

-Until Next Week!


Today I worked on making several graphs and tables of what I have eaten the past few days. I completely finished all the graphs for Tuesday of this week and I finished the main table for both Wednesday and today the only thing I was unable to finish was what I am going to have for dinner tonight other then that the main table for today(Thursday) is finished. After looking at the list of things we are suppose to have done, I realized that I am missing one piece, the cartoon of myself. I will try to come in and work on it in order to get it finished. But other then that I have everything finished and I feel that my work as a whole is good. My favorite is still my typographic flower! 

- Until Next Time!

Worded flower!

And this is the completed flower/typography, I really like this. This was one of my favorite things we have done in this class so far.

-Until The Next Photo!

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


I'm not finished with it yet, but this is basically how it will look like except there will be no black it'll be a light purple. I've enjoyed doing this and I will try and work on it before next time in hopes of being caught up with everyone else!

Heres the original!

-Until The Next One!

What are these?

1- Tail
2- Spine
3- Apex
4- Serif
5- Bowl
8- Descender
9- Stem
10- Spur
11- Link
12- Loop
13- Ear
14- Ascender
15- Arm
16- Crossbar

Until The Next One!

Chinese Bloggers

I think you cant control the companies from paying people to create good publicity for them. I personally think its a good idea, with the amount of time people spend on the internet looking up products and consumer reviews, it seems that this was inevitable, companies finding a way to alter the reviews or at least alter the ratio of good to bad reviews. I don't think it is okay or not okay for the companies to act like this, my thinking of it is it's gonna happen either way, their just playing their role in a game. Nothing on the internet should be taken as fact or complete truth unless you have personally researched the topic using a book or something other then the internet and have read the same information. I don't think it affects the integrity of the internet, the internet has always been a place where people can express what they feel, think, or know. They could feel very strongly that pluto is a planet but according to scientific research it isn't. Nothing on the internet, I feel, affects the internets integrity. Whatever you read on the internet you have to take at face value don't read into it much or base your own opinions on it unless you have found the same information on in something other then the internet. This is unfortunate that companies feel the need to do this, but it is also unfortunately that what someone says on their blog can alter someones opinion so much they wouldn't buy it. It doesn't affect the blogging worlds integrity or honesty just the person that is writing it. The blogging world cant control what people write or say they just allow the people a place to write about how they feel or their interests. It's like you can't be mad at a company who sold someone a gun, following all the rules, and he then turned around and killed people with it. The company was just doing what they've always done, selling guns, and then this one person turns around and uses it for something bad thats not the companies fault.

-Until the Next Assignment!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Next Photo!

This is something else I got done today. So I only have just a little left. I will try my hardest to catch up next time!
It is the weekend

-Until Next Week!


 Through the set by set instructions I was able to edit  this photo and turn it into this next photo.
- Until the Next Phototshop Victim!

Cartoon Me

So I went today to start working on the cartoon of myself for an assignment I missed last week. I followed everything the instructions told me to do, but when I got to drawing on the second layer it started to act funny. It allowed me to draw/ outline whatever I wanted but when I would click to start outlining the next thing it would erase my last outline. Along with that once I finished an outline it would fill it white. I'm not quite sure how to fix any of this so I'm going to wait until Mr. Double U is back next week and then complete the assignment. Cant waist much more time I'm behind from being sick and need to catch up!

-Until the Next Photo!

Post Second Six Weeks

I feel that I have been good about getting my assignments done correctly and on time. I work diligently during class and am very good about getting my work done on the dates they are due. Because I work like I do during class this allows me to be finished and continue on to the next thing sooner then others that might not be as focused as me. I am also able to ask questions and be able to give that time for further explanation so that I can fully understand what we are working on at that point. In the past six weeks I have learned how to use iPhoto and Photoshop, I have certainly not mastered everything, but I have given it all my best effort.

- Until The Next Assignment!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sad News

I was unable to work on the cartoon of myself today. I spent like five minutes trying to find PhotoBooth, only to figure out that this computer does not have PhotoBooth on it. So next time I will move to another computer and work on it there. Even though to day is Thursday I will not be coming here until monday which means the weekend is close, enough to celebrate about! 
Photoshop is easier when there are step by step instructions!

-Until Monday!


Today I worked on basically making a cartoon of a picture. By adding layers to a picture I was able to create this cartoon looking picture. My next task is to turn a picture of myself into a cartoon picture, similar to this. I don't know if I'm going to have time to finish it during this class period but if not I will finish it next time.

Olkprill. Sunflower 1. 27 July 2010. stock.xchng. N.p., 27 July 2010. Web. 4 Nov. 2010. <http://www.sxc.hu/‌browse.phtml?f=view&id=1296024>.

-Until The Next Cartoon!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


So... I don't like Photoshop, I guess it's just not my thing because other people seem to be liking it a lot. I enjoy iPhoto a lot more, it's easier to use not as much little things to mess with. I mean I guess thats why some people like it because you can do different things with it and have the option of changing every little thing about the picture. My thinking is, don't take a picture that your going to have to change everything about... But oh well I guess I'll learn to put up with it for awhile!

Olkprill. Sunflower 1. 27 July 2010. stock.xchng. N.p., 27 July 2010. Web. 4 Nov. 2010. <http://www.sxc.hu/‌browse.phtml?f=view&id=1296024>.

-Until Then!


It wouldn't be acceptable to me, if I ask for a specific picture I would like the specific picture. But if I had to choose one that I would be okay with I think I would pick the running low on yellow print out. It is obviously not the original picture but with this one it looks the closest to the original to be acceptable.

1- How can you get Cyan?
By mixing equal parts of Green and Blue
2- How can you get Magenta?
By mixing equal parts of Blue and Red
3- How can you get White?
By mixing equal parts of Blue, Green, and Red

4- How can you get Red?
Mixing equal parts Yellow and Magenta
5- How can you get Blue?
Mixing equal parts Magenta and Cyan
6- How can you get White?
By not adding anything, by using no ink what so ever


7- As the yellow ink cartridge no longer has enough ink to work as designed, what
happens to the other colors?
They stand out more during the mixing process. Instead of having a red you just have a bright Magenta or a really Blue green

8- As the cyan ink cartridge no longer has enough ink to work as designed, what happens
to the other colors?
They stand out more during the ink mixing process. Before yellow and cyan made a deep green but now it makes a light lime green and magenta and cyan use to make a real deep blue but now it makes almost a purple.

-Until The Next Assignment!

Friday, October 29, 2010


Today I used the spectrometer and edited some pictures for art on iPhoto. Here is one I did.
It is the weekend!

-Until Next Time!

Spectrometry in CMYK and RGB

1.) How do you think the Spectrometer works?
A spectrometer is a measuring device that collects light waves. It uses these light waves to determine the material that emitted the energy, or to create a frequency spectrum.

2.) Were there any unexpected results? What were they?

I really didn't know quite what to expect so I wasn't expecting any particular outcome but, I did notice that colors that use similar colors to make up that color had close readings when we used that color.

3.) Were there any differences between the different pictures?
Yes there were, I think one of the reasons for that may be because one printer may have been running low on a certain color while another may have had plenty of that color and gave more of a "pure" color.

4.) Compare the printed color sheet to the one linked in the blog. What differences due you notice in the RGB display versus the CMYK printout.
Just that the one linked in your blog, the colors are a lot deeper and richer while the colors on the print out maybe not be completely accurate to the code the printer uses due to lack of ink.

5.) Did you notice the Hex Codes for each color. Would you say Hex codes have more in common with RGB or CMYK? Explain.
I would say RGB because the hex code is made up of three parts, there are three colors included in RGB. While I'm sure you can use the HEX code to find CMYK I feel like each section of the HEX code relates directly to RGB.

6.) Do you think the use of spectrometry is important for publishers? Why or why not?
I imagine that it is. but I could not begin to explain why or how it would help them.

7.) What sort of consequences may arise if spectrometers were not used in publishing?
They could give a wrong color or something.

- Until Next Time!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

And The Next Photo

I am going to use my time in this class and what we are learning to help me with another class. I have been in an art class for almost two years now and we have to create studio pieces as we go. I am going to take advantage of having iPhoto and Photoshop and complete the assignments in this class using pictures for my other class. That will be why my photos may seem to be very similar.

Everything that I am doing in my art class has to do with color and I feel fabric is a good way of showing colors.
Today I edited several photos and learned a few new things on iPhoto. Next time I plan on having a few of my own photos to edit.

Saturation: 52
Definition: 100
Shadows: 30
Sharpness: 30
De-Noise: 30
Temperature: -30
Tint: -30

Iamlm. Slik Saree. 9 Mar. 2010. stock.xchng. N.p., 9 Mar. 2010. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. <http://www.sxc.hu/‌photo/‌1266371>.

-Until the Next One

Next Photo!

So I took a personal photo and edited it on iPhoto.

I cropped out the people in it so it only focused on the statue behind it and played with the adjust settings. I'm pleased with how it looks, expect to see more of these in days to come.

-Until The Next Photo!


I took this picture and added a color fade (4) along with with a Boost Color and then took the Definition Bar all the way to 100. To get...

Michaelaw. Jeans Texture. 5 Aug. 2010. stock.xchng. N.p., 5 Aug. 2010. Web. 27 Oct. 2010. <http://www.sxc.hu/‌photo/‌1301107>.

What you Did...

First you put a Vignette effect on the picture and then you brought the temperature over on the orange a little more. Thats why The lady's face is a bit orange along with a few things in the back ground.

-Until The Next One

Monday, October 25, 2010



Today while I also played with Iphoto I also was able to play around with something that demonstrates how the computer creates colors. I was able to finish the project with enough time to post it here. I find this a lot more interesting then when I actually physically did this in Physics last year!

-Until Next Time

IPhoto, YouPhoto, WeAllPhoto!

Iphoto is a program on the macs that allows you a place to store your photos along with providing the tools you'd need to edit a picture. Some ways of editing it is through rotating the picture, changing the focus of the picture and cropping the photo. A few examples...

Edited Version


Edited Version

-Until The Next One!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

And Again

Okay so today I finished my Pages project along with several other things... 
I updated my brochure, which means I just fixed the itinerary and uploaded that and my Main Document onto my blog to be graded.
Then I got onto Google Earth, I found my house. Which I noticed was not a very up to date picture because it showed that there were three trees around my house when there is now only one and my hammock that lays in the back yard was not there, oh well. I also found where I work and a few other places. Today was successful!

-Until Another Thing Pops in My Head!!


While I was working on my Itinerary in my main document I had to change a few thing on the Itinerary that I put into my BOCHURE. Nothing else changed, but I felt it would be best to show the changes rather then it look like brochure itinerary and my document itinerary don't match. 

-Until Next Time!

The Day has Come!


The day has finally come, I have completed the wonderful Pages project. Through pages I, created a brochure and a word document. While creating these two documents I learned how to cite work through websites like noodletools.com and other websites similar to it. Also I learned how to get pictures that weren't through a google search. With all of this I have been able to create a project I am proud of, and that took quite a long time. My hopes is that someone may actually be able to use this one day to learn about Australia and go on this trip I planned. 

-Until the Next Project!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Today is the day, I finished all the major things in my project over Australia!
I have a few minor things to fix like the table of contents and things like that but my conclusion is done along with the itinerary and work log!
I am happy with how it looks I think it all has the right amount of things on each page, without being to much. I feel like the final outcome represents how much time and effort I put into this project. I feel that it looks nice. One other thing I need to do is put a page that says brochure is on another page or whatever, but that can be done in just a few minutes at the beginning of class thursday. That will give me plenty of time to put it on my blog and learn how to use google maps. Since I wasn't able to this class. 

-Until Next Time!

Friday, October 15, 2010

Happy Day

So many things were accomplished today, I have one third of my Itinerary done and the two other pages were the itinerary will go are set up with all of the decorative things that all of the pages have. I have six of the 18 days done in the itinerary and the others will be done next time, hopefully. I am also going to have to update my bibliography because I am getting more pictures as I go, but I am also using the same pictures so that the pages still go together.

-Until Tuesday!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Now that I have completed my brochure I am able to spend my whole time working on my complete document. I have a few more things to complete like the Itinerary and conclusion. But while I am doing that I am going to try hard and focus on things I can do to each page to make it more cohesive. I don't want each page to be over whelming with things, but I also don't want them to be under whelming either. Today I was able to accomplish not a whole lot, with the schedule we are following today I was not able to accomplish much. But I was able to update my work log and add another design thing to add more cohesion to the pages. It's all coming along.

- Unil Next Time!

Friday, October 8, 2010

I can see the finish line now


Full Project

Brochure is now finished after weeks of work it is finished, thank god! I feel that it looks nice and meets the rubrics standards, but time will tell. My Full document is now complete and I think it looks good. 

-Until Next Time!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Well that's just great

I finished my brochure, completely finished it. And then because my computer doesn't have photoshop I had to log out on this computer and move over to another. Well while I have logging out I closed my perfect brochure without saving any of my work for the day. So After working on my brochure for almost an hour, I lost all of my work. I just love myself sometimes. Besides that mishap I have finished my document including page numbers, wonderful pictures, work cited pages, and more. All thats left is to finish my brochure and move it over into my document and write a conclusion. That can be done in and hour and thirty five minutes. Fingers are crossed

-Until Next Time

Monday, October 4, 2010


I now have 2/3rds of my brochure finished, articles and everything. I still have to "pages" to do, I am just struggling to think of good things to put on those pages. I will be finished with my blog by the end of next class, no excuses. Also I have gotten caught up with my other document that I had previously lost. I am now farther then I was before I lost it. The backgrounds are cohesive and I feel like each pages goes well with all of the others. I need to make an  outline of something and put it in document. I have also decided that I am going to wait and put all of my bibliography into the project until the end because every time I up-date it and put it on its pages I have to rearrange everything else and I think that by waiting till it needs to go in it will lessen the likely hood on me messing something up!

-Until Next Time!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Today, Today, Today

Since my computer lost all my work and I have to restart everything. I have now restarted my brochure and have gotten everything in it except for a few paragraphs, but my goal is to have that finished, completely, by the end of next class. Also I have also Restarted the whole document, since I had a lot of it finished before I lost it all, I have a lot to re-do. I have completed the title page and have done the background for all the other pages. I will try my hardest to be finished with all of that by the end of next class as well.

-Until Next Time

How do make yours look like mine

brochure_template_b.jpgI really like these two, I feel like they get the point across while also making it look fun and like you could possibly actually have fun on the trip. I'm kind struggling with little things like changing the background and little design details. I am able to change and fix a good amount of things but those small design details I'm struggling with. I know those give it the finishing touches that my brochure will obviously need, I'm just putting it off. These two examples are very cohesive from section to section. With borders and similar icons from front to back of brochure your are able to tell that they are to the same brochure.  I am starting my new brochure now so I will keep those little things in mind and find a way to put those in.

-Until Next Time

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


I thought I would never use a Mac computer, never! I was talking to my dad about this the other day and he said "while you think that is true now, think about how it will be in ten years. do you honestly think dell and toshiba will be as popular as they are now? Mac's are becoming exceedingly more popular by the year." So with that, he brought me down to reality, and I realized more and more companies are switching over to Mac's because they are so user friendly so, I need to suck it up and really learn how to use these computers because one day I wont have a choice I'll just be given a computer and be expected to know how to use it. Whether its a Mac or a Dell, I'd like to be able to do my job regardless.
I have now learned you should almost always use "canvas" when your working in word and are adding more then just text to a document, you take a screen shot by pressing control, command and 3 at the same time, and if you are having trouble doing something on the computer ask a neighbor or look it up online. These things help to complete assignments yes, but they also help with not relying on your teacher for help, because one day they wont be there, and you cant ask you boss every time you hit a snag. 


The word blog, I feel, is a verb and a noun...

  • This is my blog, doodle-tech-head.
  • I really enjoy the process of blogging, its almost therapeutic.
Commenting on blogs, is an action. So when you say the word blog in that sentence you are using the verb form on it.

An Avatar is, the personification of an idea. But in this class the way we used Avatar,  the idea was ourselves. The word "Avatar" comes from the Hindu word Avatara.

Digital citizenship and netiquette are clever word people have come up with which basically rules people should follow when they are on the internet. The reason these rules have become necessary is because people have started to abuse the internet and what it is there for layout application for Apple computers. The purpose of this is to help you create projects and word documents easily.

Royalty free Imagery means that once the content is licensed under a set of guidelines, the licensee is normally free to use it in perpetuity without paying additional royalty charges. Public Domain means property rights that are held by the public at large, meaning that no one specifically has the rights of the Domain and that the public can use it freely.

A Citation is something someone uses when they are using information or images they found on the internet or in books to give credit to who ever came up with the information or to who ever created the image. This is important because it prevents people thinking you are trying to pass the information off as their own, which can get them into an extreme amount of trouble. Websites like Noodle Tools help the users by asking for information and actually generating the citation for you instead of the user having to type it out themselves.

PDF means Portable Document Format; this is used to transfer documents from computer to computer disregarding what type they are or what programs they run. 

-Until Next Time!

Friday, September 24, 2010

Today Today Today

So after I commented on other peoples projects and gave my opinion and picked on my own project I went and started to fix my mistakes and continued to improve my design. I changed the background color which I feel makes it look more like I care about how it looks rather then just leaving it white. Along with that I worked a little more on my brochure and have decided that I'm going to include in there a brief history of the sydney opera house. That's all I accomplished today

-Until Next Time!

Now to critic myself

So, now that I have talked about everyone else's blog, time to turn the finger to myself and pick on my own. 
General: (2) I didn't put page numbers in, I had them in the first one I did but when I had to move it over into the other form I lost them and didn't think twice about them possibly not being there in the new form, along with any header and footer that was there. There is a consistent design that is visible throughout the pages.
Cover: (4) There is a title that is perfectly related to the country along with a picture that is appropriate to my country and this sets the ton for my design through out the pages and what should be expected on any page that follows.
Table of Contents: (3) My table of contents is good but could be better and I will continue to work on that, I'm just struggling with how I want it to look while it continues to follow with the designs of all the other pages. This is hard for me because Table of Contents are always just a a list and to try and make it visibly pleasing is kinda hard.
Work Log- Initial Design: (1) I'm not sure I realized there was suppose to be three sketches, I have my sketches of the brochure but I am confused as to what the other sketch is suppose to be about. Also I thought my blogs that were suppose to be added in were suppose to be added in until the end, but I guess it's like the bibliography where you are suppose to add to it as you go but I was wrong and they will be in there before the end of next class!
Bibliography: (4) My bibliography is completely up to date with every picture I put in there and with any website I got information from, which was one, but I really like my bibliography, which i know is kinda odd but I like it.

-Until Next Time

Today I am Simon!

I really like how this person really made their pages link, by using the same background for all pages along with that she also connected every page by using the same effect on every picture she added on every page. With the same effect it really tied in all of the pages and gave to project a good cohesive look to the whole thing.

I like the fact that she decided to do a country that no one else decided to do but I also think that the only thing that connects the pages together are the titles. It is still very nice and each page, you can tell, have been well thought out and look very nice. But I don't feel each page looks as nice together as one.

This project doesn't seem like much thought was put into it. While the photos are nice and the information is there it just doesn't look like she cared about how the final product looked. maybe when she has more time to sit and play with it, it will turn out better. I'm sure the final product will be much better then it is at this stage.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Almost there


So I figured out why I was having so many problems these past few days, I was using the wrong page. I should have been using canvas and I was using some other something another. Anyways, Canvas from now on, I had no problems today I worked well and I found it really easy to create the project I wanted. I feel like it is better then average, but only time will tell. Next class I will work on completing my brochure and making sure it is perfect. Only have a few sections left to do on brochure so it shouldn't take me to terribly long to complete but, once again, only time will tell.

-Until Next Time!

Monday, September 20, 2010

Pages is designed to be user friendly and for the most part it is, but when you mix pictures up with word documents things can get a little crazy. I am struggling with putting the pictures where I want without splitting a citing in half. I want it to look good and well organized and I feel it does, but there is always room to improve and thats what I'm struggling with. I'm sure I'll figure something out, it just may take longer then I was expecting. Oh well I've got one more day to fix everything and make it close to perfect. I have the title page and bibliography finished, and I am working on making the table of contents perfect.
Almost done and only have a few questions. 

-Until Next Time

Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Wonderful World of Pages

Today, I have now created a title page for my trip/project; with a catchy phrase, a nice picture and of course a title. Along with that I have also accomplished a table of contents and am working on the bibliography. Since I had already started working on my brochure before I started on the bibliography I struggled with going back to the site and finding the pictures so that I can give the photographer the proper acknowledgement. It was hard but I got it done, for now. I'm sure there will be more citing needed before I finish all of this. 

-Until Next Time!